Hack a Playstation 3 blu-ray laser and turn the Star Trek Phaser into a Blu-Ray Laser…
May 2013
Infrared Goggle Hack For Under $10!
See the world in a whole new light with this Infrared Goggle hack! Easy and cheap…
Fun With a Lie Detector!
Here’s how to make a fun, cheap lie detector that really works! Find out if your…
Origami Spinning Top (Yami Yamauchi)
How to make the origami Spinning Top, designed by Yami Yamauchi Presented here by Jo Nakashima…
How to make play dough
Easy homemade Playdough, do make your kids happy! Ingredients: 2 cups plain flour2 cups water2 tbsp…
Mini Hack – Scissors!
Ever wanted to get your old dull scisors working and cutting again proberly? Watch this video…
How To Make Your Own Potato Battery
What you will need is a potato, zinc nail (or something that’s made out of zinc…
Create a Lemon Battery
Creating a battery from a lemon is a common project in many science text books. Successfully…